Hi Jim,
I'm sure everyone here got something out of all your hard work & efforts regarding you cool invention!!! As you know, how things are said or how they are understood by others is kinda difficult to match up over the computer at times.
Peoples perspective on things is also different than other peoples. A simple comment may bring up an old issue that may flame another without the person who first commented ever knowing, & things like that.
(Without getting into details...mentioning the word "PORN" on this site happens to be one such an example)!
Although the timing simply down right sucked during you intense information flowing marathon (which we are greatful), shit happens and we just have to deal with it for lack of a better solution after the fact!
As you well know, the more information that flows on the "TREE" sites (Tree House), the better our industry is for it!!! You bring a heck of a lot to the table with you years of knowledge and time saving ideas and IMHO this site is the better for it!
The majority on this site are only interested in the good information that a thread contains, anything else just derails it.
I for one would love to see a video clip of your invention in action an I'm sure others would as well. This gadget of yours is worthy of further discussion and should be continued.
This recent computer glitch is now an "old issue" and I don't think much else can be done about it.
Moving forward...
A question I'd like to ask is this:
Q- Have you ever carried it up a tree and do you think a mini version could be fashioned for work while in the canopy.
Q- There are a lot of good ideas for a better system beginning to emerge from this thread & Id like to see what happens next!
So how about that video clip!
Back to you,
Bob (Hobby Climber)