Chris E
I'm Not Slash
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Anyone can challenge their restriction on the use of copyrighted music with the "fair use" clause.. its OK as long as you;re not making any $ off the videos... that's my understanding as of the last time I checked.. I have a couple dozen with coyrighted music.. used to be that most copyright owners would get a piece of youtube revenue for anything that their music played in so the publicher would get paid directly from youtube.. BUT WMG (warner music group) ended up not wanting to play by those rules so anything with WMG music needs to be challenged with the disclaimer...Youtube lets you use copyrighted music now?
I had a longer version of this with more cutting and chainsaw and stuff, but it seemed like too much. . .
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Thanks Dan,
I'm still figuring out the 880 and .404. It's hungry stuff for sure.
Thanks for the video! I do have a question, I noticed you brought up your safety line and would recinch it to the tree as needed. Is it acceptable to use the carabineer like that or would that be considered a type of side load? I have thought about doing it that way.
I used to use 20" mostly and one day it dawned on me, why should I bend over to work so much?
I had a longer version of this with more cutting and chainsaw and stuff, but it seemed like too much. . .