Stig, you must mean the Hinoki Cypress. By interiors I meant architectural work, it is really a bit too soft for furniture. I mean you could use it, and occasionally people do for simple things, but it will scratch up readily. For architectural surfaces that don't receive harsh wear, it really takes on a shine, especially if people bother to rub it now and again. The finest material has very tight grain. Also a good wood for bath tubs or items in baths. Sometimes you see it used for counters at sushi places and for those square saki cups you have probably seen. It can yield a very clear material free of knots. Knots aren't appreciated in the best of work has always been the thought. I pulled this photo off the web, it appears to be a Hinoki interior, including the floor. It would also smell very nice in that room, the wood has a refreshing menthol type fragrance. A nice even textured wood to work with. You see turnings done with it as well.