Tree felling vids

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Can't say that i do,i just look at the cut itself, hammer was to drive my wedges in case required,i just set a good size stick near just in case I needed.
The tree was weighted more towards the person filming but i don't think i even ended up using the wedgies and got it to swing where needed. Looks very open but there were targets and it's actually someone's front yard.
One loose, long wedge.

I did that Sean, until I saw hotsaws101 (Jack) put the tip of his axe-head in there so that the entire handle stuck out like a needle gauge. Way better imho. What I was astounded by is that ANY production faller, old growth or no, would bother to pack an otherwise useless hammer around in the woods with him (along with his axe) to be used for the exact same purpose. It was one of those nice Eastwing hammers with the relatively straight nail-claws. He would stick the "nail claws" into the backcut with the handle pointing up so as to indicate, "exactly what is going on with that tree RIGHT NOW!"..... His words from the vid.

Sgriff... well done man. Sounds like you know what you're up to.
Remove ax from back cut, beat 1-10 wedges, reinsert into back cut and cut a little more. Rinse, lather, repeat
Thanks Jed.

@ sotc - this tree was in nevada city region but I am in san diego,urban forestry,little sledgehammer is typical felling/wedge driving tool, the axe is the groundies tool for chasing and choppin roots.

Mine is small enough to use aloft and has a tether for securing to saddle.
Here's a couple from last week. I'll post the shorter vid of ho hum limbing out and felling beetle infested pine 1st... It was the last of 6 we did for a neighbour.
The second includes some zip lining and even son=me fun issues with that idea over under story we were trying to save. Longer vid, so those with ADD or ADHD can sip through it or around in it for fun. Those that have patience might be rewarded with a couple giggles or hahas...
The second one we did more for the HO anyway... :P

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I've told this story before...

The lady across the street called the Law because she thought a bomb went off. Something shook her house and all her shit.

It was just us... dropping a BIG ass log.

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Tree topping fellas, Sorry for the neglect just been busy working hope ya'll like it. I was trying to copy MB's tee shirt. lol. Stripped a lot of the back limbs toward the house with the crane then i came down, slapped on a humboldt and let'r eat. Saw is a Ms261 my fav. Enjoy fellas. :D
A recreation!!! That was awesome!! What a great tip of the Hat to our MasterBlaster.

Here...I embedded it....

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Here's how to embed videos;

1) Do NOT copy/paste the page url.
2) Click the "share" button - a embed button will appear underneath/to the left.
3) Scroll down and click the "embed" button - a blue highlighted address will appear.
4) Copy/paste THAT address in your post.
He's right...exactly what I did. Just follow it to the letter, slowly, step by step. You will appear to be a lot smarter than you probably are (like me :D)