California Hillbilly
Looking forward to more vids form you cursedvoyce, with the new go pro
I've learn a lot from your in put here!!
Thanks man.. Learned a lot from everyone here myself. Feels good to pass some of it along. Just hopefully not my bad habits

Woopsie doodle!
So, is the blue line the one that holds most of your weight most of the time?
Nice vid Stephen! I agree with NH, I like the long unedited videos too. I learn more.
Thanks Jim. Yes, that would be my primary, the blue line. It is my life line. Should shat happen, I can rappel down toot sweet. This tree had some lean to it hard to tell in the vids. I was using my flip line as more of a positioning devise. On a straight up stem, it is normally bout 50/50. You climb mostly with your flip line up the stem on a removal with the life line as your back up. Or alternating around boles. On a prune, I lean more toward my life line for support.