Some nice big hardwood being knocked down lately.
Don't you DARE dis my maul, Sean!
This maul belonged to the renowned treefaller who taught me logging back in the 70es.
He inherited it from his dad, who also spent his life logging, and having only daughters, who for some weird reason, didn't become loggers, he passed it on to me, when he retired.
I have promised it to Richard, my partner, when I have felled my last tree.
This maul is close to 100 years old.
Imagine the amount of trees it has knocked over and the amount of firewood it has split!
With a big old open face notch too. West coasters would have been rioting.
Man oh man, this path has been worn down to bedrock, eh?
No diss. I have a maul for pounding. I am surprised a bit is all. Great story. Do you carry that while felling in the woods?
Weak, you shoulda elbowed him outta the way
Why can't we just tip burning trees over instead? Two birds, one stone? Heck, tip then onto cars if you like.Hahahahaha, "Rioting" that hit the funny bone too!!
Hahahahaha, that's a funny picture. Just pictured Willie and Jerry, and a hundred other red flannels, throwing Molotov cocktails and tipping over cars.
Hahahahaha. . . Sigh, . .this has all been worth my naive offenses.
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Recently I came up with a bullet proof vest for it, though, so now the handle should hold up longer.
Coated the first 10" under the head with PU glue, then wrapped a 4mm dyneema line tightly around it, and saturated that with glue.
It has held up really well, not a dent in it after a whole season in the woods.
Two things. Give me credit for not being a phony like half the tree workers that beg about "that giant I just took down today". Also, he's a better faller by a good bit then I am(he is a logger and hand cuts evwvrything. I don't race to get to trees before him. I let him have some seniority and pick what he wants to whack. A third thing, now that I recall, is that tree was LOADED with old high tensile fence wire and barbed wire. The log would pay more at a scrap yard over a saw mill. I can't see swapping or filing out a chain that is cutting good just so I can have the glory of sawing a notch and getting busy at the stump.
The log would pay more at a scrap yard over a saw mill. .
An army of little bars can't be wrong.
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.... we fit the bar length to the job at hand, and don't go around thinking that the length of our bar has any correlation to the lenght of our dick.
We leave that to the West coasters![]()