Tree felling vids

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This guy has some funny videos...
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Standard stuff in London, looks like he went below previous cuts. It's where planes do so well in that situation, they'll come back from anything.
Standard stuff here as well, but going below previous cuts is not.
Guess someone changed their minds about how high they wanted it pollarded.
It's been a while since I did the London work, but in the late 1990s a reduction on a plane would be hat racking by modern standards, that looked a tall tree for the situation.
Urban trees take a regular muppeting. That's their job
I don't know what was on his worksheet but he knows his job.
The fact that he was finishing off his"noggins" with the Silky shows that nothing could be allowed to drop.
Probably a shit drag to the chipper as well.
I don't miss that stuff.
Don't forget: bad air, noise and waaaaay too many people.
I hate city jobs.
Standard stuff here as well, but going below previous cuts is not.
Guess someone changed their minds about how high they wanted it pollarded.

I understand pollarding as a technical pruning technique, more common in Europe, and also present on Evergreen State College campus sycamores 5 miles from me. Reduction pruning is useful, too. That looks like topping, to me. Maybe pollard pruning will occur frequently in the future to maintain.

Mick, he did look like his technical cutting/ climbing skills were just fine.

Whatever, not a big deal either way. That type of pruning happens.
This is awesome to watch, logging machinery attacks tree job.
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And that's a small harvester, really small. Y'all ought to see a biggun lay 140 foot tall Douglas firs down easy as you please, one every 20 seconds or so.

Bad business for a hand faller to compete against...but efficient as hell. Has to be, at the price they command down at the iron dealer.
I'd like to see a picture of that, B. Didn't know they made them to handle big trees like that. I figured they were for most production forestry, which I figured was closer to 100', and it was more of a cut and lay down quick thing. That thing's wicked, at that size.
Here's on vid I found pretty quickly...not harvesting as big timber as I was describing, but I think you can imagine the capabilities for much larger stuff, watching this machine handle multiple trees at a go, and moving them while holding them upright.

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