Tree felling vids

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The center bit drills a hole and the outside part cuts it square as it goes in. There are drill press attachment types, but a proper machine made to do it works better, having the vise part and side to side movement and other adjustments. You might be able to do it with a hand router if you didn't try to go too deep, then square the edges with a chisel. Maybe the plastic would have a tendency to melt? The round plugs type works well too. I thought the wedge might split, but so far no.


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Made some pretty tight shots for a Board Certified guy. Dang! Was that on the way up to Crater Lake? Gorgeous. Were you high-stumping for a backhoe to rip em out? We gotta tune that "Work Horse," eh? Kid pounded pretty good Lefty for a non-faller guy. Man, how's it going? Seen Clarence in a while? My wife said I was supposed to call him back, but I spaced it. Where you been? You takin' an internet hiatus like I did? Speaking of hiatuses, what the heck happened to Jack? (the "Soft Dutchman" guy.) I'm worried that he mighta got smashed. Seen Joe at all? I miss you guys.
Uhhh.... Willie.... you still there bud? Whatever you do, don't watch Ed's vid.

Guess he didn't know about Gerry's "Max Cut."
Jay, that's cool. So the center drill takes out most of the material and then the square edge is able to cut off the remainder. Pretty tricky.
Exactly. It's not the most ideal type of mortiser, however, because it scars the walls of the mortise a bit, compared to the type that leaves a very smooth surface. But for ease of use and for just about all practical purposes, that type is perfectly adequate.
No I haven't Jed, but Al is an expert on that. There must be a thread around showing pics how to do it. I think that the Stihl guy, Eddy, when he used to honor us with his presence, might have shown how to do it too. It's a bummer when seals go, and the saw stops listening to commands. Try and find the pics, or ask Al for the reference. It doesn't seem too bad when you watch it being done.
Man, that "climber" took a direct hit and it looks like his friend ran underneath it. How can people be so stupid???

I can't believe it didn't knock the ladder down!


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Hey Jed! Yeah, up in the Cascades, 5000 feet elevation, that's probably why that one saw wasn't running right.
High stumping to stay in good wood and they are considering carving the stump. Can't sell the wood so stumps don't matter, they can alap them if they want.
Had lunch with Clarence yesterday, he's doing well. Joe is on vacation again...
Been busy, I check in reasonably often but not like I used to.
He was made smarter.
Can someone explain how when a guy like this seriously hurts himself he gets called stupid, the intimation is he almost deserves it, and yet when that guy in the Norfolk Pine gets a rattle we all get sympathetic? Surely the Norfolk pine guy must have some knowledge of the consequences and as such should be less worthy of our sympathy than a HO trying (presumably) to save money.
Perhaps it's because we view the HO as trying avoid paying us (tree cutting professionals) so watching him come unstuck cheers us up.
Not having a go at anyone or anything I'm as guilty as anyone on this. If there's a chainsaw accident in the paper one week I might chance an extra few quid on a quote.
Ladder+chainsaw+homeowner= accident...this is a very common rookie move, lack of understanding for tree a pro or 911

I hope he's ok
A quick vid setting a grappling hook this week. Had a line of about 6 trees to move between. All around 120-130. Saves so much time and effort. Use HD setting

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Where were your Wonder Gloves? ;>)

A couple weeks ago I was pruning an oak in the rain. I slipped and fell while out on a limb, and some how my hand clashes with the sawchain....opened a deep cut on my finger. The saw wasn't running but it was a real bleeder. I was forced to wear gloves for the next few weeks. I've actually gotten used to them after 25 years without :) but I need a couple new sets now.