There Is No Need To Quote The Previous Post!

thanks Butch!

ha, I'm used to space concerns...this is the kind of stuff the Sysadmins/Storage guys would get on me about because I was hesitant about deleting anything (e.g. logs) because there might be some info in there somewhere I may need to investigate a problem one day.... but my intent here is full compliance.
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  • #27
Just think if everyone made multiple posts in a row or did the same thing quoting the previous post in EVERY POST.

Imagine what a page would look like! You'd have to lube your scroll button just to get through all that! DO NOT WANT!

If I wanted a cluttered-up forum I'd just have tons of small sponsor ads everywhere. NOT.
Just think if everyone made multiple posts in a row or did the same thing quoting the previous post in EVERY POST.

That would be awful but it never happens. Agreed that there is no need to quote the (entire) previous post, but consecutive posts of individual ideas makes far more sense than adding those ideas via edit to previous posts, imo
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  • #30
Hey, at least they aren't 2 minutes apart from each other!

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  • #31
This new forum is sweet! If you're typing a response to the previous post and someone posts before you, a pop-up appears telling you! Now, there is absolutely no reason to quote the previous post! EXCELLENT!!!
Quoting has an excellent purpose in many forums. Unrealized by some people. Not everybody follows every thread all the time. But some, like myself, will set options or notification if I'm quoted. I quote people in various forums, to call attention for their specific feedback, especially if they are not staying on top of that topic at the moment. Selecting text within quotes, also specifies --- clarifies - what part of someone's reply is being referred to, and what part is not. This is why so many forum softwares include the option.

Not quoting a previous post makes a bit more sense.
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  • #35
It amazes me how ya'll don't get that I have no problem with quoting! I have NO PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE USING QUOTES!

My problem is -READ THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD! Emphasis on the LAST THREE WORDS!!!
I think I share your wavelength. That's why I added "previous post" in my last post, in relation to the thread title. And a grand achievement, I didn't quote you from a previous reply.
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  • #37
Well, when you edit the post I'm addressing, all bets are off. I would never have responded like I did if the last sentence you added AFTER I responded woulda been there. That's a foul, buddy, and playing dirty.