The "You can't make this sh*t up" thread

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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  • Replies 303
  • Views 26K
Like the old saying about politicians should be changed often, like diapers. And for the same reason.
The founding fathers of our nation saw this day coming . That is why we have the second amendment to the Constitution.
That amendment has been cancelled by the way, the senate did that whilst you werent watching too. So now as a religous man bound by the laws of man are you going to give them all your guns????
Kids today have absolutely NO sense of history, Erik.

At peast not in my part of the world.
Dogs are apparently not always unclean to muslims.
After the big quake in Pakistan some years ago, we sent a team of specially trained " body sniffer" dogs + their handlers over to help find survivors in the rubble.
While there was some complaints about the female handlers going bareheaded, no-one complained about being rescued by an unclean dog.
Silly shit, yes, but no more silly than when a bunch of christians here go nuts because someone sold sandals with a picture of Jesus on them.
Happened a couple of years ago.

" People are stepping on the saviour!!!"

Sorry, guys, to me all religion is a bunch of sillyness that should have been tossed out with the last century, the muslims are no better or worse than all the others.
The comparizon is that most religious people want to forbid others to talk badly about what is holy to them.
You are just so used to christans doing it, since they have been dictating the censure of movies, music ,whatever in your country since forever.