I normally spell ofensive with 2 "f"s but what the heck ( Ha, I've been waiting for this day

Joking aside, I'll try to put my feelings about this down for you.
Yes, The muslims are overly sensitive and it bugs the hell out of me as well.
We have muslim politicians here who have said to their folowers that if they don't get rid of their persecution complex, they'll get nowhere in the modern world.
We have had schools here that refrain from sending kids to church for x-mas in order to avoid offending muslim parents ( to be fair, the government came down HARD on that idea) What about us atheists? we still have to pay a part of our taxes to keep the national protetstant church operating. When I went to school, nobody talked about not sending kids to church for x-mas in order to avoid offending heathen parents like mine ( it is a voluntary thing, BTW, I have never, and will never enter a church!)
We have a saying here:"The squeaking wheel gets all the grease".
That fits the situation quite well IMO. The muslims keep pushing and pushing, so we ( and by we, I mean Danes!) give away more and more of the things we have achieved.
Those are things that mean nothing to you, like the right to go nude on any beach, the right for gays to kiss in public etc. but they are rights that mean a LOT to me.
So when our nation start having "women only" days in public swimming pools, curtains in the showers in school gyms and telling jews that it might be a good idea to not wear a yarmulke in public, I start to sound like you.
The one thing about the muslims that really bugs me is that when they run away from their repressed middle age male dominated dictatorships to come up here and try to make a decent life for themselves, they bring the whole thing with them.
Not literally, of course, Afghanistan had some 400+ "honor"killing and mutilations of women this year ( a big improvement from last years 700+), we have maybe 1 a year.
But that is one too many.( I didn't pull those figures out of my anus BTW, Human Rights Watch just made them public last week)
So, bluntly, my take on muslim immigrants in a western country is that it'll never work.
While I won't go all the way and say" bring out the cattle cars and ship them home", I certainly wish we had never let them in.
Then on the other hand I have the same feelings about the American right wing ( Damn, just as you were enjoying yourself, eh

They have spent the last 60 some years trying to inforce their christanity based ideas on the rest of the world.
Why is it that no'one in the world today can smoke a bit of marihuanna without going to jail, but alcohol,tobacco ( and firearms) are legal?
Because America wanted it to be so ( or at least Anslinger did)
I could go on about abortion, gay rights, censure of music, films etc. but we have been over that before.
Suffice it to say that while I really don't give much for the muslims, every time you get on your high horse about them, which is often, I am forced to remember that I give almost as little for the right wing christian Americans.
But at least they don't emigrate to Denmark like the muslims do.
I tried to put this down in as factual, non offensive way as I could, being by nature a bluntspoken person and navigating in a strange language ( albeit one, that I can spell correctly

), so try to read it that way.