The Treehouse Wiki thread

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Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
Aite, I wasn't sure where to put this, please reclassify if you see fit, MB.

Wikipedia is some awesome chit, is it not? I could go on and on but my point is maybe we could use this thread to post particularly interesting wiki entries (though there probably aren't a whole lot of entries that aren't interesting in some way... They say peeps have more computing power in their pockets now than the amount it took to get man to the moon).

Ok, here's mine: I betcha all you rock music lovers know the name Jeff 'skunk' Baxter, he is a pretty incredible guitarists who was in Steely Dan and in The Doobie Brothers. Well, it seems he went on to a second career.....he is self taught in missile defense systems and is a consultant to the pentagon.

The freaking talent some folks have is just ridiculous. Wtf!!! All I can do is cut a limb!
Great stuff!

Man, I can sometimes get completely lost in Wiki all night, going from one reference link to the other and ending up a completely different place than where I started and haven soaked up a lot of weird knowledge on the way.

Let me use this chance to remind all you Wiki users to please, please donate when they ask for funding.

It is one of the greatest ressources of knowledge in the world and they depend on US to be able to go on.
This reminds me that there is another place I should "toss some coin".
The "Fiona ressurrection fund" kinda got in the way of that.

Well, better late than never.
It has been done, Boss.
Like 2 minutes ago.
Amazing how fast stuff like that can be done today.
40 years ago it would have taken a month.
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  • #9
Wiki is amazing for sure but the entries involving mathematics just completely freak me out, it's like who the F can understand this crap, how can people that smart coexist on the same planet with people like me? Its a big planet I guess.
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  • #11
Yeah gimme some of dat ergodic theory, dats some good chit.

Shame though, 40 yo is so ridiculously young to be taken by the cancer. Rest in Peace.
Iran sure had a problem with her.
Torn between pride of her and shame because she defected and married a non muslim.

I admire Hassan Rouhani for standing up to the religious fanatics and praising her officially.
That took some guts.
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  • #16
Was it crazy bad, MB?
It was like a wasp sting that kept getting worse. It was in the palm of my hand and it temporarily paralyzed my hand. Luckily it went away pretty quick... in about ten minutes I was able to move my fingers again.

The foot crushing hurt way more.
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  • #19
Here's a gentleman who gets purposely stung by the #1 worst insect sting in the world, the bullet ant. He has also been stung by MB's insect perp too, calls the velvet ant the 3rd worst in the world. MB on the map!!

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