The Snowplowing Thread

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Is it just me or is youtube loading slow as molasses lately? It took over 5 minutes for me to see that last 1.5 minute clip. Youtube used to load faster than I could view the clip, now it's loading more like Google videos. And according to speedtest,net I'm over 6000kbps.
Heh Brian why don't ya whine to you tube like you did to Butch and maybe they'll speed it up :P

:lol: I couldn't resist!:lol:
Brian, youtube has also been loading really slowly for me. I just hit pause and come back to it later.
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  • #30
Lol heh Jason was that you?;)

Been there done that.... too many times..... last winter! We got hit by 2 blizzards in 7 days last December that dropped around 48". It was insane!! I pulled up to one small parking lot (30'x300'ish) and the entire lot was about 36"-40" deep. It took me about 4.5 hrs of balls to the wall full contact driving to get it cleared and I got stuck at least 10 times.

I don't care who you are or how bad ass your truck is when it comes to dealing with any storm that drops 28"+..... you're going to do some digging.

Oh yeah, helpful hint. Trying to dig out the truck is a waste of time usually. Dig out the plow so it's free and you'll probably be able to back out of whatever mess you got yourself into... hopefully.;)
I think this was last year don't remember. Guy I work for has 2 tractors we use, ~10 trucks, 2 backhoes and a bobcat.

I get the nicer of the 2 tractors :D

Im trying to find a pic of the tractor itself..
found one, wasn't done with the harness yet but we had it together enough to use it. its painted and finished now.
this was 2-3 years ago i think.
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  • #33
Yeeeeehaaaaa! There is money falling out of the sky in Colorado and I'm digging it! Wow that was a bad pun, sorry.

Anyway, looks like it's going to be an all nighter for me.
Here in Michigan it's usually charged per "push", with anything over 2" of snowfall being considered a double-push (double charge).
That said, contracts are set up with "X" number of pushes per season and charged extra beyond that #.
For example, the local restaurant pays $7200 per season which covers 3 pushes per month + 8 salts. Anything beyond that is extra.
What do you do with the snow. Is it just pushed off to the side and there are areas set aside for this purpose? Do you ever haul it away?
Hauling is rarely an option, except in very congested cities & then that's up to the Road Commission. Not my job !!!
Common sense prevails in 'where to push it' >>> meaning, basically, the school of hard knocks will teach you where to mound it up & where you've f**ked up & need to move it (again!)... ey ?!? LOL
in kodiak they plowed to the center of the road and at night a snowblower would load dump trucks. then theyd go dump it off the dock into the bay
The guys I'm working with/for are using a big ass dump trailer to load up piles, a couple of our commercial accounts don't want to lose any parking spots at all and have no where on site to push it to. Our biggest contract is the local hospital and all associated buildings and they can't have a pile higher than 3' for liability(what a joke) so lots of hauling there.
Not really. I go out on crew & salt the sidewalks & entries while the parking lot is being done.
I'm terrible at tolerances >>> I'm so chickenshit that every post, walkway, door, etc. has a four foot swath in front of it. Not exactly "snow plower" material.LOL
Here is what I use.
The Vee plow hooks to the bucket. I also take the blower off and use a 8' back blade.
On the hauling of snow. We are seeing more melter's being used. They dump into a storm sewer and tap into a natural gas supply. Or carry their own fuel oil to heat with. You just dump the snow in the hopper and water drains out.
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  • #44
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! It was a busy weekend around here for those who push snow and we're looking at another 1-3 tonight. I love it when money falls from the sky.... and into my pocket.;)
Nice, we're barely getting the snow here but I've got quite a few lots on a 1" trigger so it doesn't take much for me to get rolling.8) Just got back in from sanding a few lots.
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  • #46
Hell yeah Squishy, 1" contracts rock! I don't have to plow until at least 3" but I do have 17 properties that have to have all walkways cleared and de-iced.
Just saw this thread, been too busy sanding and salting. Talk of more ice tonight and plowable snow on Thursday. This season is looking better than last season already.
I might take a picture of my rig and post it here, not sure how much time that might take.:?