The RIP Thread...

:(Great actor. I saw Thunderbolt and Lightfoot at the drive in when it came out, got lost in the fog after leaving. I was only thinking about that yesterday. Saw a big dead tree I recognized hanging over the road and realised I was way off course.

He played the ultimate bad guy/creep in that movie, and the reverse in the Naked Gun.

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A complete bitch and the driving force behind ol' Ronald.

Her "Just say NO" campaign is the main reason America is the world leader in having the largest percentage of the population in prison.

If she had been run over by a truck when she was young, the world would have been a better place.
I heard she had sex w Julio Aglasias in the White House.

Sheet, he's not even an American. I hope it wasn't beneath a painting of George Washington.

That just say no thing seems like it could only have been said by someone surrounded by her well scrubbed grandchildren and herself very naively out of touch with reality. I can't remember was it just drugs or was she also talking about premarital sex. :lol:
A logger in my neck of the woods lost his life earlier this week. I didn't know him personally, but I know the organisation that he worked for, their place is right next door to the log auction yard, have had some conversation with crew members when they were getting back from working. Not sure of the details, but I heard that he was cutting when he was hit from behind by another tree. 24 years old. The previous fatality that I've heard about in this area, was three or four years ago.
Just Say No only cost us how much money, and how many people put into a cycle of incarceration?

Had the US decriminalized or legalized it back then, where would be be now?