The RIP Thread...


RIP... Great when people are so at peace in an environment that scares most, and remain undamaged and convinced of their knowledge.
Along with...

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Condolences to your family, Virginia. The lady experienced a horrible period of history, and those folks that were the victims and somehow survived, are becoming less and less. Man's cruelty at that juncture in time should never be forgotten.
I feel it note worthy to remember Jerry Clum of whom I knew .He passed away after a long bout with melanoma but lived 10 years longer than he was expected to .

He was a tough old coot I knew from my teenage years but had a heart the size of Texas .

Before he passed in his final days he had an online book that describes growing up in the midwest ,the rough and tumble world of dirt track stock car racing and making and loosing several fortunes .
The people he talks about in the stock cars stuff I knew personally because I was in it too in my youth .It's long ,boring if you don't know the situation like I do but worth reading if you care to .
Sounds like Jerry was one of those 'bigger-than-life' guys. Anytime these characters pass it seems a little of the dynamic reality of those times goes too, or else the legends just grow bigger... Sorry for your loss
I wasn't real close to him ,in addition to knowing him his son and my son were in the same class in school .

He was about five years older than me but his book describes in part kind of how I grew up in the industrial midwest .The tough old farts a young kid had to deal with that truth be known in spite of being a brawling hard drinking lot they would give the shirt off their backs if it was cold out .Those tough old bastards are who reared me .;)