I always liked the story about Marcus Allen when he was in the AFL.. He went up to Al and told him that he wanted to run more (carry the ball). Al told him to take additional laps after practice.
It's funny to me that folks are wondering if Apple can succeed without Steve Jobs and will now be wondering if The Raiders will start to win without Al Davis. I grew up a Raiders fan and while I appreciate what Al Davis built up, I'll never forgive the man for taking the team away or sitting on Marcus Allen.
He'd fire the coach and become the interim coach. How many owners would do that? Pretty balsy, like when he sued to move the Raiders down to S. California, then when he moved them back to Oakland, he sued to retain the rights down in S. California.
Al did have a compassionate side too. He allowed Art Shell to resign instead of firing him. Al hired blacks and minorities, and at one point had a woman in the front office.
He'd fire the coach and become the interim coach. How many owners would do that? Pretty balsy, like when he sued to move the Raiders down to S. California, then when he moved them back to Oakland, he sued to retain the rights down in S. California.
What a bummer; he had just released his second album outside of CDB, titled "Shake Rag". Those of us who are longtime fans of the CDB know Taz as a very down-to-earth dude, who always would spend an hour or two mingling with people in the crowd before the show, signing shirts and pictures, and having a beer or two with us. He must have spent 20 minutes just this past concert chatting with Valerie, myself, and Bruce Brown (lead guitar), He will be missed greatly.
A trial would have been entertaining but sometimes rough justice helps a country move on. Killing him doesn't speak well of the rebels' control over soldiers. Cooler heads were yelling "We need him alive," to no avail.
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