Cuz most redneck jokes are funnier.
Truth is, redneck IS a stereotype and people certainly DO discriminate against us... er, umm... them. Nobody ever made slaves out of rednecks BECAUSE they were rednecks though. Let's face it, ALL jokes about stereotypes are in bad taste to someone... or they wouldn't be funny to the rest of us.
The word slave came from the word Slav. Slavs were the white slaves of the Roman Empire (and later in history).
In theory "we've" all been slaves before. Get over it.
You might be a redneck if you were ever mowing your grass (burning it down apparently) and found a car.
You might be a redneck if any two guns you own cost more than the vehicle you drive.
You may be Red if you think it's perfectly reasonable to see how far the new tractor can drive through the freshly drained lake before becoming stuck as a couple of dogs.
You are Red if you've ever been to a family reunion and thought "damn, she's cute."
You are Red if you've ever seen how far your daily driven jeep can drive off in a lake before just to impress the female(s) in the vehicle with you with the end goal being A: you get stuck or B: you submarine it. (See picture at bottom)
You live in the Red if you've ever hit or nearly hit a cow while coming home from a girlfriend's house (no pics)
You are Red if you've ever given your wife a tractor for her birthday. You're Red as hell if the tractor was a year older than your wife. (no pics but it's outside)
You're red if immediately preceding a trip to the ER/veterinarian you've uttered the words "Hold my beer" or "Hey ya'll, watch 'is!"
You're Red and you live in the Red if your truck that's been stuck for the better part of a week has become the schools after school spectacle.
You're definitely Red if you've driven your tractor the gas station to fill it up. (See below)
You're Red if you've ever been pissed at Jeff Foxworthy for making money telling your life's stories.
You're Red if you take pics of your truck with the thought that it adds validity to your bragging rights.
Not in any order: