The Official Work Pictures Thread

I wasn't moving super fast today. Spent 4 hours in the 6' dbh cottonwood today. Made progress. Had a tricky limb walk today, out and back across a horizontal limb for about 25' or more, with a not ideal TIP, but a clean swing into open air if I screwed the pooch. Some of the low limbs, 40-50 up, free dropped, then used the Rig and Ring to remove two long horizontals. I like it.

Wind was blowing good as the front came through, then the rain as we were cleaning up. I felt a bit like Captain Dan. I knew the tree was moving around. Having removed the loose bark and significant dead branches, I felt alright. Wanted to make use of the dry-ish weather.

Ground off the cable from around the tree, and opened up the area some more as prep work, got the mini into the site through the woods a bit. The area under the tree is pretty flat, with a disposal area up the hill. "Ogre don't care!"

Next work day, we'll plywood highway the chipper and mini across the manicured lawn and open up the drop some.

The one picture shows the vertical line up from the neighbor's shed, leaving the last tricky rigging over a structure. Some more leads turn horizontal, or ascending somewhat, but not so much to worry about beneath.


End of two partial days. IMG_20151203_154501234_HDR[1].jpg IMG_20151203_154455628_HDR[1].jpg IMG_20151203_154528860_HDR[1].jpg

There is a steep hill to climb to a log decking area in the background where these cottonwood logs will remain to rot. We're laying up a pile in the foreground here to be picked from above, after climbing the hill to the left, out of frame.

It was a pretty no-f*()ing around climbing day.
get rrr done sean!!!

the guy that taught me how to climb told me
when you got targets below height is your friend.
Easy Friday, repollarding a lime tree I first did 8 or so years ago.
Plus needless pics of my beautiful blue truck:)


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So sorry to read of your current distressing circumstances, Gary :D.

Been considering a trip that direction for M and me, to post up a link to your cabana, if you think it's worth recommending?
Couple of pictures from this week. Not the best but it's work.

Had an oak to deadwood and tidy up. Lots of dead over the building and a spready tree with no real high TIP as the dead was in the ends and the centre of the tree could have done with a better anchor. Sorted it with a few different SRT redirects. Before and after.

Then today working in the south of Norway. Few trees to dismantle. Nothing too hard but the weather was horrendous this morning. 16 Ms gusts according to the weather app. Then amazing what a few hours can do...






Love those pictures from Norway.
Please keep them coming.
The only thing that has kept me from moving there permanently is the food.
Slim pickings for a vegetarian, non fish eater.
Cheers Mick.

Stig, I am off fishing tomorrow for work... ;) I will try to get a pic or two if the opportunity arises. I am flying back the UK on Sunday. Cant wait tbh. Missing my two kids a lot this time. Probably due to the run in to christmas. Highlight of the day on Monday, (after i have dropped the boys off at school) is to pop down the garage and order my new truck.

Did you ever make it up to Lofted when you were over here. Stunning isn't the word. My missus family are from there and are commercial fishermen and whalers. (Sorry that wasn't too PC, especially for a non fish scoffer) stunning all the same.
A couple more for Stig. I probably posted these before, from a couple of years ago. I also found a couple of shots of the family boat and a beach on the west coast of Lofoten. Man it was hard work looking at the scenery... ;) (As you can tell from the look on my face)


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