The Official Work Pictures Thread

That's a great price for a small saw that works well.

The good news is your saw has AV.

The bad news is that you coulda lied and said your saw has no AV and that it doesn't bother you in the least, thus growing your legend;):dude:
Max has no need for false legends...his reputation it strong without unwarranted amplification!
Of course I agree with all that. Was just making a joke re how awful non-AV saws are and, well, if anybody could use one without complaint, it would probably be Max.

I could use one for a full 2 minutes before throwing in the towel:D:dude:
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My little brother's old Mac. No antivibe, no problem, in fact when she's running properly, she kinda fun to use. That said, Ms.NewBooty has the stock suspension that everyone gripes about being too soft, and I'm not going to change it. Definitely need bigger dogs though.
Spent many hours running one myself. The old Macs with auxiliary oilers are about the only saws that last in the shag bark cedars back home. I think an Echo with auxiliary oiler would work well too, but I've yet to try, and don't plan on dealing with those crap trees anytime soon, they don't grow in Mariposa County.
Oh hey, before I forget,

@Maximalist thanks for the video, I do appreciate the effort involved, even if I'm gonna keep doing my thing my way. Still, like many here, and as I have said before, I'd love to spend some time working with you and share a meal. You are obviously a true professional, and someone that anybody could learn from. You have a beautiful family, and seem to live a beautiful life. You and yours, like all of my fellow tree-housers are always in this pagan's prayers. My love to you, and beautiful St. Petersburg!
Cmon Max, no tie in while cutting? I fully understand you have massive experience and expertise. Just seems unwise to me. How about a lanyard, no muss, no fuss.

Then, because you are human, if you make a mistake which all humans do periodically, you'd be covered.

I'm not concerned either way, just surprised a bit.
And honestly I’m not sure where the drill would be needed. Maybe if you setup a yarding/skidding scenario it would be handy but to picking leads it’s not like you are cranking a huge amount of line. And with the crank you have a better feel for the tension. Crank one way you have about a 1000lbs tension the other way you about 2500-3000lbs. With more use you find the sweet spot where the chunk just picks up off the cut oh so gentile.

Most of the time it’s set the line, put enough tension just to raise the lead, hold, make the cut, crank, nip a bit more, crank to get the lead to settle in up top, finish the cut, and lower away.
John and I removed this cherry. 4 hrs. Minor rope work. Experimented with the rope jack which almost led to a struck by. Better to have devices like that mounted away from the base of the tree when you can. Used the new Echo 80 cc blower and did not need to rake! That thing is one hell of a blower! Hopefully they won’t be banned in Maryland.


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