The Official Work Pictures Thread

When we turned up mob handed...

That's another good turn of phrase...colorful for sure, very visual:lol:

Nice work Rich.

MB what'd that tree ever do to her? Cost her a sum of money to get rid of that's what it did! Cash that cheque!
Good show, Rich and Rich.

American Rich, I thought you had a secret double facet hinge, in the first pic. But it was only bark/ root fiber. Small screen and a saw chip remnant in my eye got me excited.

Visor and glasses, but that's what you get for face cutting overhead.

Wildlife habitat snag

Butch, we removed the tree as Spruce are 10 a penny over here. They are redesigning the garden along with the house.

I am sure they will enjoy the light and lack of needles more than they would enjoy the tree.


New Zealand.

Have I mentioned that besides being easier to cut than a facecut, Gord's Magic Cut seem to remove saw-snatch risk?!?!

It was mentioned on FB, he's neither Newb, nor cowboy, just human.
I'll keep that low-back-cut in the tool box.

I'll add, with Gord's Magic Cut, there doesn't seem to be the problem of the block coming over and having the hinge break irregularly (cutting error or decay or not enough weight to break strong fibers, as can happen with dead stuff).

GMC seems never to start to fall, until its really free (I don't recall having done bad GMC cutting to know how it responds to bad cutting).

I've had blocks stall from the hinge bending, but not breaking. Then you have to get the whole hinge to break evenly (if its just a simple cut), not pulling one way or the other. Reasonably easy for a proficient cutter, but hard when double-cutting. If you're relying on forward momentum to hit your drop-zone, you're short on luck.

My $.02.

I didn't realize how easy was to just upload from my phone to YouTube. I'll do a quick video when opportunity presents itself.
Another stump pic. Pin oak today. Over two sand traps and a green. With a tee box on another side. Who in their right mind would plant these things that close to precious grass? The sand traps were full of acorns as well. They’re replanting next fall with a little better species I guess.
20 inch bar on the 461. I was to lazy to walk back around the truck to grab the next size up.

Also found this light on top of the trash can at the shop. Said something to the mechanic and he assured me it was broken. I took it home and after 15 minutes fixed the broken wire and had it almost good as new.
In the mechanics defense, he gets these things for next to nothing because they always come in a package deal and most times it’s cheaper to buy this light with batteries than just buying the batteries. Also he prolly has 10 of them scattered around the shop Mine now
So did you plan ahead with a really deep hinge gutting?

Actually it looks like you didn't need it, could've reached from the sides, but not the back.