Pining Away
As I've mentioned before, pines are a bit of a rarity (we are usually dealing with hardwoods) -- so to do 3 pine takedowns in one day was a treat!
Victim #1: 45' white pine (a little free deadwooding to the silver maple over the driveway, courtesy of the chipper truck,
Job #2: Removed two 30' pitch pines, one dry and crispy, the other declining. Goal was to leave a nice clean row of light, small Bradford pears, remove the pitch pines and trim up a hackberry in the middle of the row. I did the felling, laid them across the driveway, ready for limbing and chipping. First one had a favorable lean, went right down
(so nice to have the 395 [new sprocket] & 372 [new chain] back in action!). The second one had a back lean into the line of Bradfords, so I did a big open face notch, slightly high back cut to counter the lean. Set the hinge and with one wedge set, I was able to stand up & push it over with one finger. Love it when it lays down nice & slow, never breaking the hinge! Then we deadwooded a pin oak and stump ground the pines.
Had a visitor on my arm, then on my helmet:
Job #3: Removed a dead American Elm for the neighbor of someone we've worked for recently. Also fished a broken ash leader out of the ditch for him and loaded it on the log truck.
Tomorrow's fun: Remove a storm damaged co-dominant Hackberry. 5' DBH, cracking from the main crotch downward to the ground, 20' split. Stay tuned for the rented spider lift (to lighten the tips), log grapple craning out leaders, and targets galore (houses, sheds, power lines). More rigging than Las Vegas!
(And pretty sure the only spider legs will be on the spider lift...)