The Official Work Pictures Thread

NZ tech guy?? Ooooo he sounds good!

Any relation to Jim's missus?
More 'frig you' posts from Butch. Thanks.

Wasn't this an issue way back several years ago before I left? I think so. Glad you got it under control, Butch.
Eek, people seem a wee bit sensitive today.
I can't post pictures from my phone...well, I'll wait till I get home and do it via the computer maybe today, maybe tomorrow, I might even forget to do it at all...

In the grand scheme of things....does it reeeelly matter?

The pulley and the helmet you've sent me over the years Brian...that's what counts :)
Must.....resist.......urge......It's too easy............. Lol :) so some stuff posts funny, it doesn't effect the overall experience imo.
What's the teach on that again? Effect is just cause and effect, then affect is when it happens to you or something? I never can get those right...
Geez I always have difficulty defining it, just know it when I see it. Basically, I believe affect is a verb, effect is a noun.
Holy chit, now I think you might have been right originally:|:
Guess I was right. That woulda been embarrassing, offering correction on the correct. That would be the wrong effect I was trying to affect.
Ok, Consider them unbunched.

This is why I'm in love with Mick.

Cory: Drinking less is only good for practicing Christian asceticism, but nothing else. Almost ALWAYS a bad idea. But today's Wednesday, (a fast day in the Orthodox Church) so yeah... maybe you gotta point. :(

O.K... Everybody: I just started at this new company......... ALL of their chains are SERIOUSLY freakin LOOPED! ALL (well, at least most) of their guide bars are completely hooped. Cutting-up a nice stump is utterly out of the question. These guys CAN'T sharpen, leave WAAAAY too much material in the gullet, and just lean on their Madsen's Hot-rodded saws to get through the wood, which is what so badly messes up their bars. I'm trying, guys. I'm trying. I tried to show a few dudes how to sharpen. I re-grinded up the rails of a bar to show how you could actually get the saw through the wood without extreme pressure. They're like, "Thanks." but, it's like they'll never figure it out. Freakin knuckle-draggers... probly why I love them so much.

I'm a hair's breadth from buying all my own equiptment. Freakin Neanderthals, man. I do seem to fit right in though. :lol:
Wow that is crazy! Yet another tree co that struggles with the basics. But at $4k/day, that's one basic thing they apparently get right :drink:

Well they sound cool overall so after you school them for a few months, they'll be a heckuva outfit.
That'd be nice but good guys should want to learn everything they can, ego be danged.
Wow, good comment.

I've got some of that myself. I've been filing since 1977 so I have the right idea. But every once in awhile a chain will give me some problems I can't figure out and it freaks me out, right up until I throw it in the garbage despite some life left in it.