Cheers, Burnham!

The big log on the hill had way too much energy for that tongue cut to make a difference Sean. It was too big, period.I look at it as interesting, and a specialty cut.
Reg did that big fir sidehill, on a steep slope, secured with ropes. I could see it be nice to secure with ropes as back-up, and let the stump take a beating rather then expensive ropes, with the pull of a trigger and dinosaur power (mix-gas).
There is some dicey cut some Europeans (IIRC) did in avalache area that was big ripcut on the downhill side of the stump to form a tall wall (head-high, overhead),
then some sliding, sidehilling cut so the butt goes behind the 'wall' on the stump, and the top of the tree will be held by other stumps.
There is a video out there.