Rich: That was the coolest Pin-Oak post, as most have already mentioned. Nice fallin.
Stephen: Crazy beautiful hinge, considering all the meat you left hangin on the far-side. Super-pretty shot of the (pretty tight) grain.
Sean: That's cool, man. Good to see ya.
I been doin the dumbest little jobs lately. Pretty jealous of you guyzes.
I should throw-up a mean hedge-shearing vid.
Ohhh... just trying to weigh-in fer myself agin: Hinge mush is fer real, brothers. It's fer real. Don't torch yer heartwood. A guy's gotta ask himself 'why?' Just ta get it ta go-over easier?

Cut more wood, brothers. What?... did yer index finger get tired holding down the throttle? Small potatoes here, and I'll very easily concede the point if I ever seriously piss anyone off with this little rant. I guess I just feel like prolonging the fight. Why would you ever take the trouble to gut the hinge with the intent of saving out more resilient sapwood by negating brittler heartwood, when a thicker hinge generally makes for a less accurate shot? Seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul. I'm just trying to draw anyone out who might have some more thoughts in favor of the gutted-hinge. I betcha it's pretty hard to come up with any (other than personal-experiential) evidence, either way. What say you guys? (Again.) Sorry to be an ass.