Jed, is that tree just leaning on the house, or did it fall and do damage?
It ended up being seven Alders, and one Cottonwood (maybe 80'... nothing like the 100' that I was told) and yeah they all did a tiny bit of damage... basically just rain-gutter and minor eve-smashers... caved in a chimney-hat, but none of the other-little-roof-vent-deals were hurt at all.
Brian/Gary/Corey... thanks for the commiseration brothers... seriously... I think I was just lookin fer a shoulder to cry on last night more than anything. The crane woulda made small-potatoes out of it.
Rajan: Yeeaaahhh......

Rich: Man, you got it freakin GOOD! Our PW is like, $25.00 above my regular pay grade... not kiddn ya... might be some "cost of living," stuff to factor in.
Mick: Sound advice, my good man... I usually do, as you know all too well. I've only had one serious back-fire in all of the roof-buckin shows I've been dealt.
We just had (as I mentioned... that Cottonwood wasn't an inch above 80') one of those really rare, magical days where my two groundies (and may God bless em both) were acting like a coupla track stars on Meth... man, I couldn't believe those guys... that freakin job's basically done except fer a ton of cleanup. We lucked out... the root-wad just stayed put... didn't go up, but it didn't go down neither, thank God...

Here's the "before," from yesterday that made me cry to all you guys...