I hear ya but I don't agree. When we remove a big tree near a house it isn't for purposes of resource extraction, and the environmental effect of it would seem to be minuscule in comparison. The scale of logging OG in BC is apparently massive afaik and entire landscapes/moutainsides/watersheds turn from being green and treed to being mostly bare top soil. Replanting, if it happens, is a big help but will that land anytime in the foreseeable future be fulfilling the role it previously did in the environment?
First... let me say that it is REALLY, really good to see a couple of grown men debating a grow-up issue in a grown-up manner, without throwing a childish hissy-fit and wandering of on walkabout, just because arguing with a grown man is sometimes more difficult than punching a grown man in the nose. Did that make any sense?... Cory... Ray... Proud of you guys.
Now then... Cory, brother.... I just couldn't dissagree more. The biomass that second-growth represents FAR Far far outweighs the biomass that our OG reps... so... what in the world brother? Like Ray said... you and I and Ray, and most gents up in here cut the crap outa all the second G we can get our grubby little fingers on. I know it, you know it, and Buckin Billy Ray knows it. Now... re the replanting stuff. Brother... you just haven't been to the PNW in a little while, have ya. I don't care what herbicides you use... these weeds just shoot up out of the ground whether we like em er not... as anybody... even Sean. They just do. The planet gets warmer this decade... the media has a heyday. Guess what'll happen when the planet gets colder next decade... You guessed it. Keeping ghe populace on their toes makes for a readily tax-paying populace every time. If we see a heatwave in 2018, we'll be positively BEGGING to have a "Carbon Tax" levied on us.
Now... I also gotta address this busininess about the sow-offy stuff. Isn't that almost the entire point of the treehouse? Don't we all feel rather alone in how much we relish this stuff, and don't we all just wish that there were some other chaps out there who might do a similar thing, who may just appreciate it? Isn't that why we (I) show-off so much? Is there something bad about showing off? If so: why are we all up in here? I don't understand how that young man on top of the OG Cedar, and Eric (Rico) are showing off, and how the rest of us aren't. I thought that that was half the point. Case in point...
Poor little second-growth... it leaned a bit toward the house...
I went up to extract it from the Maple it was grown into, and to take some back-weight off...
and then popped it into the woods with no rope, and a single wedge...
Easy as that... that pig died, and now it's dead. Why does no one lament it's loss because it was merely 125', and because it was threatening someone's house? Move yer stinkin house if the planet's really getting as warm as the media says that it is.
But you'll notice that no one cares.
Ohhh... the city made shure that I left an 8' "WILDLIFE SNAG."

That oughta slow the planets demise a bit.
Hey Sean... You want yer wrench back yet????