...Why is my tree listing? Was it the concrete worker with the sawsall?... ...What a beautiful house.
The tree really makes it POP!...
Dude, you should have Paypal on your posts. I'd really contribute a good little bit. Your sense of humor really helps a brother out. Also: you're a good man for cutting the little guy loose. Take care of them trees bro, might be the only shot of God's Green Earth some of the poor folk get in that jungle. (Enter Guns-N-Roses song--or not... it'll just get stuck in my head, and I can't stand those guys.)
Mick: The "big company," stuff is really funny... just heaps and heaps and heaps of rules with nobody running around who's willing to enforce them. As Jim would say... "Jackwagons." Yeah... Just a bit of 3-strand lowering line (The only stuff I can splice

). All of the break-away stuff that we have available to us in the States is just rather two-dimensional and slippery. The three strand when coated with a bit of pitch--which, some would argue we have an overabundance of--lets you snatch up the saw rather better. And to Butch's point...
Butch: Beating a Dead Horse here brother, but still... It's only ever gonna be dangerous if a guy is Jackwagon enough to saw in his back-cut ABOVE his under-cut. (Or: If it's a horizontal branch... farther toward the branch-tip than his undercut.
Man I drank a lot just now. Only two of these, but still... really lubes the fingers over the keyboard, unfortunately for you fellers. 8.2% Alcohol... Wow!
O.k... So, yeah,... here's a coupla shots from the five (I said four, but it endedup being 5.) from today.
I'z proud of Andy today. He manned-up and fell these three sticks in a decently tight shot, while I was up in the fourth tree. He hesitated on the third. I go, "Dude, FALL IT. I'll take a picture of you fallin it!" He stinkin hit the sidewalk!... But it didn't break!! Oh, thank you God. Won't even show ya the hinge pics.