The Official Work Pictures Thread

Far from our -40-50 below average temps at our February Winter Festival. Yup he'd be a pussy;)
Many so called strong men have tried our extreme cold climate flour packing event but the cold sucks the strength right out of them. Plus walking on slippery sections of ice with a thousand lbs on your back can be hazardous too. Lol.

Seems like an exaggeration. If The Pas, Manitoba, is where the trappers festival gets held, looking at the historical record of average February temperatures, the area doesn't seem to have anywhere near the winter temps that were mentioned, except an odd day on the rarest of occasions. No historical record at all of minus fifty that I could find.. Most Feb days this year were in the low minus 20s, if that. As the all business LAPDs Sargent Friday used to say, "The facts, just the facts".

The Mountain won the strongest viking competition in Norway in February in similar temperatures. Carried a 1400 pound log five steps. "A pussy", doesn't seem fitting.


100 year old Draceania....on the street.

It's not a word I'd use either.

Not to his face, anyway.

Hey! Whats wrong with talking about your FEELINGS, man! :lol: Everything... I know, I know... and I apologize to all you gents for any former pusillanimous remarks.

Just view-topping today. Sucked! As proof: I've included this incredible shot with my finger half-way over the lens...

Here's Carlos... new climber... tries like a sonofagun. Works like a man... I don't think he even HAS any feelings. :rockon:

:lol: @ doesn't have any feelings. I had two guys this week messing with each other. One asked " did I hurt your feelings?" The other responded with " why yes, actually I had one feeling left and you not only hurt it, you killed it! My girlfriend is gonna kick your ass".
You guys are lucky that you live in places where feelings are allowed. March to the beat and never out of line..hup..i..2...hup..i..2... It gets work done, I guess.....then tear open the bottle.
So I was going to work through this little SRT fiasco of a topless Birch, not big at all just tall enough to catch the wires on the other side of the road. And I returned a call about a big beastly White Pine. I hit my corners pretty well, there was just nothing there to hold it. . . 390 did a bang up job. 8)








I make the call and it's like "yeah, big white pine, bad lean"

Me: "is it leaning at the house?"

Him: "nope, toward the yard/lake"

Me: "be there in 45 minutes!"

I guess the old girl caught more than one bolt of lightning years past. To hear them tell it.

haha, cheers.
It was pretty dusty. That little nylon mesh filter that came with this saw is not the best. I'd like to get the HD filter kit for it. . .
It's crazy around here Gary. I got the GM job up here at the Huron Mountain Club about four months ago, which was basically just a continuation of what I've been doing anyways, but now I've got 60 people working under me, which equates to 60 sets of problems to deal with.

Tree work is a necessary relief. Good thing there's lots of it, both on the clock and side work.

Had to fire someone today. feeling drained.
Hey there Griff, It wasn't the worse dig out, about an hour and a half. The grinder was not even an option.

Thanks Jay. I love Dinosaur trees!

Nice dump, Grendel. Looks like half the clean up blew away.