The Official Work Pictures Thread

Why? It would read the true load, block or ring would differ but the scale would read true.
The dynamometer in that configuration only shows the load that was on the lowering device. If you're running through rings your reading will be less than through a block because the rings are adding friction.
Looks like one end of that chunk is on the pile Flush Cut
Grendel...looks like you winched that out of the lake. Good pictures of the redirects...and knife edge hinge for Mr. Jed. Good shots.
Great pics!

Just 3 little sticks to pull over, wind was all over the place.


Stump grinding on the same property was cancelled today. I didn't do it!!

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Joe getting ready to take the last top of a locust. The boss and I had a small discussion early this morning and since I couldn't get any help he's going to be making my mini payment for the month;). It's lunch time now and all the brush is chipped and only a few more logs to load.
He is up in the skinnies! Good picture.
Good news on the mini payment...not sure how that's working but it sounds like it is to your advantage.
Way to work it, Rich! If he's willing to make one, you probably coulda pushed the issue and get him to pay 2 months, he'll still be making bank on your work there.

Good reminder, Willard.

Btw, calling BS on walking with 1000lbs. A friend of mine is built like a fire hydrant and an obsessive Cross Fit guy, 25 y o. He sent a vid of carrying 435 lbs30 yards on his shoulders, he's trying for 500 lb by end of summer.
Well, google says the world record by a pro strongman is 1223 lbs yoke carry for 5 meters. Maybe bugsy missed his true calling.
Great video Gary. Biggest detriment in heavy weight training is lost endurance as I found about 25 years ago.
Now I only lift in my off winter season, lots of reps with low to medium weight. Haven't weight trained for 4 months now and my solo treework season is weight training enough.

I'm right behind you...... I'm pushing 60 years now and never felt better.
Diet doesn't effect me I can eat anything and not put weight on...

But this senior citizen could have avoided the XL pizza and pint of beer tonight though after taking this selfie;)

Ha, lol, I found an video of Holmen :)

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Cory, probably more than a few blokes can do that, but serious compression of your spine may be something that a cold one after won't fix.
For Fuks sake do I have to show a video.

Here's the current NMTF King Trapper John Hendrickson in 2013
flour packing 935 lbs for 30 feet. Takes alot of skill and neck strength with balance to walk with this wide awkward load.
Flour packing record was 1200 lbs back in the early 70's by John Flett.

Looks like a fun summers day out.
No... I wish, Rajan. It was a leaning stem. I had been doing that throughout the wholes stem to try to get them to swing away from this little bush.