Project I did over 10 years ago with just one ground man (who was the owner of the company).
Inserted stiff-arm uprights. Didn't want to tear up the place or damage retaining wall/patio...
Cleared the brush up to the triggers, Bruce chipped it.
Tripped the triggers and began reducing it back. Didn't care if rounds fell on the trashed patio roof but once I got to bare concrete I used small pieces of plywood at times or other pieces of wood to protect concrete.
When I got the trunks back to a group of strategic weight carrying uprights I would go down and slice them under extreme tension and the next uprights back would carry the load. Tree had no stump/root structure doing any supporting. Twin of the same size had fallen the other way on the other neighbor. That was a different contractor. I wasn't taking pictures back then. This was all homeowner pictures.
Followed that pattern all the way back till I was on the lawn where it got a lot easier.
Guy evidently stopped taking pictures.
Here's where the guy was sitting watching TV. Nearly dead center at the epicenter. Wife was laying on the couch with her head in the direction pointed toward the chair. Both of them were in the best place possible for getting dead.
If it was a mobile home or if there wasn't a wall running perpendicular to the force of the tree next to that couch they would be dead.
Anyway, fun day-in-the-life of storm work puzzles that I solved. I've done huge numbers of storm tree puzzles over the years. Definitely my favorite kind of work. It suits my personality.