The Official Work Pictures Thread

I really like beech trees..their form, appearance, stateliness. I have never cut one down...hasn't come up..I have climbed a few but not many.

I have never cut down or climbed a sycamore either..I like them, too. Pines, oaks, gums, hickory, wild cherry, poplar, cedars...cut and climbed plenty of them.

But I really admire a good beech tree. That is one reason I like to read some of Stig's posts...he posts some excellent pictures of BIG beeches on occasion. They seem to have a lot in his neck of the woods.
We have a lot here, too, and I agree, they are excellent trees.
image.jpg image.jpg Beech and sycamore both rate high for impressive looking trees for me also. I have trimmed and removed quite a few. Don't want anything to do with sycamore except look at them though.
The boys had fun wrangling wood down the steps this morning and they all owe me a can of chew from the bet that I'd wipe out the attached steps blocking the spar down and dropping the bottom twenty feet. Started the lightning struck tree today but was rushed packing up and forgot to get a pic of the progress
Nice looking job. How do you get rid of the big wood, log truck?
It's all going out with a mini skid steer through a carport. It's not high enough for the bobcat to fit through. A pair of one ton dumps will be busy hauling to our dump site where it will probably rot away. Nobody wants to mess with big ass silver maple.
Whats the dump like, a big flat area or are you pushing it over an edge drop off? Either way, yes big silver maple rots in peace.
It is ten acres that used to part of their family farm. They lease out the remaining thirty acres to a local farmer. It's pretty flat aside from the giant woodpile, chip pile, and mulch pile. I haul a good bit of wood home ( as if I don't create enough on "side" work) for my wood burner and my parents. After the junk woodpile gets to big they pay the tub grinding company a bunch extra to grind what they can.
Great photos guys. Here's evidence of some bodies work, a long time ago I'd say. A little hemlock growing on a cedar stump I believe. Notice the springboard cuts on the old stump.
2015-08-13 09.10.28.jpg
Amazing pictures of the work everyone. :thumbup:

I agree with Gary on this one. Sure would like to do a Beech someday. Climb or TD. They just look like they should be climbed..
Cool shots Pete.
This thread Rocks!
I agree with Gerry... seriously good stuff..