The Official Work Pictures Thread

Well Jim, a year ago my old man passed away and like my mum he came from Ireland.
It was his wish for his ashes to be scattered at a favorite place from his youth. This we will do, plus we (me, my brother and sister plus partners) will catch up with our multitudinous Irish cousins.
A pretty hevy handed prune, Jim.

Enjoy your vacation, Mick.
Have some Cheddar and Guinness.
Killer prune next door Mick!

Enjoy some Rory gallagher on your way there

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Well Jim, a year ago my old man passed away and like my mum he came from Ireland.
It was his wish for his ashes to be scattered at a favorite place from his youth. This we will do, plus we (me, my brother and sister plus partners) will catch up with our multitudinous Irish cousins.

Okay. I feel like a bit of a wanker now. Sorry for the attempt at humor.

Have a good trip Mick.
Well Jim, a year ago my old man passed away and like my mum he came from Ireland.
It was his wish for his ashes to be scattered at a favorite place from his youth. This we will do, plus we (me, my brother and sister plus partners) will catch up with our multitudinous Irish cousins.

And get smashed on poteen?
A significant number on both sides don't drink at all. They're the alcoholics, the rest of us are just drink dependent as they say.
Wow, Rory Gallagher, that is a blast from the past, that dude can play.
I tok my Gehl to get a couple of bales last year in a neighbor's field up the road from my house. One of the guys was out there bouncing around in a mid-size New Holland skid-steer. He was most impressed with the Gehl's agility.

I use the Boxer because I can hop it on the trailer, go to the neighbor's barn, grab a bale, and run back up the ramps...then back right off with it in the yard, and run it to the barn.
I remember the 10 ton crane being stuck in a muddy hole once. Used its own hook to yank it out, and fortunately something survivable to fasten to along a road, courtesy of the city. ;)
Cool pic, PC. You ever try alturnamats? They'd probably be good with the crane as they are essentially indestructible. In bad ground like that, they of course won't prevent ground damage but allow not getting stuck. Even though you didn't get stuck, just saying.
2100# tipping half that is its "rated" capacity. Those bales prolly weigh 800-900# would be my guess.