A put on ground only job. I was feeling a bit rough yesterday. Let Will try the APTA. He got a less than desirable shot, that I chose to use for a pull line, just in case. I cut up one half of the back cut and banged it up tight with a couple of wedges. One started to blow out the back cut a little bit and made me a bit nervous since this grand fir leaned toward the house, trunk and limb weight. .
So Will's training then went into adding a block and tackle on to a second pull line which was set higher in the tree and tensioning to match the first pull line.
One of those trees where if there was not a house behind it I would have beat it over with wedges but somehow as I started to cut the back cut, the tree was leaning harder than it was when I first sized it up, at least in my head.
Scared the crap out of this little cedar, but left unharmed.
2 other easy Fells, then on to the business.
Nothing like a nice willow that was topped or broken out by storms for some nice rotten tree climbing, and this is where the bucket truck would have done 0 good across the septic system, however the APTA and Wraptor worked a treat. Had to strip off one side down to the main fork, then fell into the woods.
Speed lining and cut and Chuck was enough to scare the house , irrigation and and septic risers, but no harm done.
Had expected to get done earlier, and gone and done a little ground level, hand pruner and hand saw pruning on a 7 foot tall weeping birch and a whopping 11 foot tall lilac. Feeling a little rough I took it very easy yesterday, not rushing , actually just chilling out at times on the ground. Went by as this second job was 2 miles away and did 20 minutes of pruning and it already looks so much better. I just wanted show the homeowner we did intend to come the homeowner we did intend to come, and also size up what length brace- rod drill bit I needed for a crack in the birch. My long, 5 /16 inch bit went missing yesterday. Relaxing way to finish the day after worrying about that crappy willow which had some pieces that you could see through.
lots of elderly homeowner heading cuts turn to this beautiful tree into a tangled mat, so this will be a satisfying pruning job to finish. A good job in this end of the peninsula community where I have been known to do big trees, but have done less find nitpicky pruning work.