Aside from a subcontractor hauler, I worked solo today, and will again tomorrow.
Had to bring out Dan's grapple from the yard.
The Bagster isn't available locally, only online. Coming soon.
Last night before leaving... Today I stacked and forwarded yesterday's mess, made and stacked half that canopy, and helped guide in and load logs.
With the help of the Wraptor, it was easier to limb walk and strip out the big lower limbs, then drop the brushy ends. Next trip up, take off the fire wood, them more brushy ends on top. At least a cord of limb firewood per tree.
Worn wore low top shoes all day. Spurs and boots tomorrow. Hope to get all but the 60-70' butt down tomorrow. Maybe, it too.
I shot all the way into the top of the tree several times, but couldn't get the 16 ounce weight down.
It's great to have an Ogre.
The one neighbor was anxious, to say the least (nutbag). So far, knock wood, only one dented rose cage at the other neighbors house (I hate when things don't break clean, hang vertical, then springs off the limb's tips).