Twice topped Deodor cedars. This apartment complex has had these trees topped at least twice (most likely twice, by all indications).
'After' rough building clearance prune. View from street. Closer tree is shown below.
Notch through which my SRT line redirected, after cleaning broken limbs. photo taken from between the two trees at the end of the building. 90 degrees clockwise from first photo.
Broken redirection limb.
Baffling how fast the internet and electricity is. I just posted these pics from my phone, picked up my mouse to refresh my desk top, scrolled down, already there. Less than a second or two, max. Easier to add text from the keyboard.
Anyhow, I broke an SRT TIP/ Redirection point. I wasn't surprised, and it was inconsequential.
These deodor cedars have been twice topped. This was number 38 of 39. I was able to throw a line over the top, and snagged some regrowth, bent it over, bounced it a good bit. No problem, they were partially resting on other stuff, with a big lead below it a foot or so, with 80-100' of red and white XTC. My lanyard is orange and white. After hanging and setting my rope walker, I felt it suddenly settle, as the piece cracked significantly, but didn't break free, as it came to rest on the 6-7" leader below it.