only picture from today that I would post, no room for the bucket to set up with the chipper in a spot where we wouldnt wreck the house with brush, so I had to shuffle stuff around all day, had to set up with 2ft of cribbing under the bucket to get level
basically took a rotting maple and turned it into a 30ft circle of tangled brush with a peg in the middle, despite the mess it still only took an hour and a half to chip this 36" DBH 60ft tall sugar maple, and ZERO lawn damage whatsoever
had to haul the logs and brush but got to leave the twigs and pine needles from this white pine we trimmed back off the roof (neighbors tree, had to take a lot off, massive pine)
it was one of them days where it all want pretty good but not exactly in the conventional "perfect" way, I did what had to be done and nobody got hurt, tree is down and im paid so all's good, did have one hell of a time with flopping the peg, it was so out of round that I couldnt get my cuts to match up (double cut), eventually said to hell with it and pulled with the excavator, apparently it was more rotten than I thought and I just ripped the codom in half!
oh and after we got done my helper said "why did you have me work today? all I got to do was stand around and watch the excavator, any time I looked for stuff to move the machine already had it gone!"