Actually, i used the BMG Scoops to move a bunch of soil, up to 10" on the low side, chopped bark at the soil level, and cut the stump ALAP for grinding and burl wood. My medium/ large saws are all full wrap, so I needed extra room.
Had a lean. Easy to pop off with some wedges. Used
@stig 's nylon
stacking plate option, and
@cory 's stumping technique. A bit crooked aiming, and a big buttress root.
I pulled some concrete out from around the stump, too.
Grinding, I could still see figured grain. Hurt to grind it away.
Kboom to lift logs over the fence and yard some other logs up a hill, tomorrow.
A bit more cutting , a bit less grinding, and a bit less debris hauling.
3 strokes with a new file to resharpen when done.