Here is a fine example of how things have changed with time.
See the old snag in the right side of the picture.
I topped that in 1999.
Using a too short bar and not having the skills I have today, so the thing barberchaired on me.
Top went over, stayed on top of the vertical part of the chair for what seemed like a loooooong time and eventually crashed down on the opposite side of where I was lanyarded in on spurs.
Had it gone the other way, I would have been squashed like a bug on a windshield.
Way safer to do it with the Ponsse.
I've been driving by that thing for 23 years and every time I look at it, I think of those seconds where the top hung above me.
Oh, I climbed up afterwards and cut the chair away.
Didn't want to advertice that I had screwed up.
Today I would just say:" Oh, you never do that on purpose. You really should, you know. One can learn so much that way!"