I don't run saws much these days, mostly sit on my ass and move a steering wheel and lever. Yesterday I cleaned up a pile of stump grindings from a massive oak removal the crew did a couple weeks ago. I packed my 10 yard dump truck and could have taken another yard or two if I had room. Took about 90 minutes start to finish, just me and my green buddy.
Spent yesterday and today wrecking out 2 dead, crispy White Ash, hanging over a playground of a local church. Spiked up one, rigged all limbs down (including a nice limb walk out on a 40+ footer that split and hung over neighbor's yards/other trees). Then set rigging and climbing lines and worked over to other stem after lunch, swinging everything back over into playground. Trees were in neighbor's yard, who were parents of fire police member in my firehouse. New part timers did okay on a fairly technical takedown. Dingo moved most of the limbs/wood. Finished up 75% on day one with lots of training/verbal queues. Dropped final stick today, and have a few logs to pick up tomorrow. as trailer was already full. Day one pics below:
Been pulling hazard trees along roads today.
Got a couple more days to go.
After the invention of Big shot, throw line and Dyneema rope, it is an easy job.
Not like the old days when I had to climb and drag a heavy skidder winch line up.
Today's job, I didn't get pics until we were 2/3 done. 2 big oak trees came down in a back yard. Took out the pool and one lead on the first tree hit the house. At this point we had the first tree out and were working on the second. Started at 9:30 and were out of there at 1:30.
He brought his mini skid to help me but never took it off the trailer.
Oak, hollow, big
This was the second tree of the day. The other was a white oak ,32”ish, leaning over a golf green 5:1 to the mini. We dodged piss poor excuses of golfers all day but all was well and there were a few good shots. Back the rest of the week for more fun and games .
The chain was running a little effed up. As I was making the undercut the tree was coming ahead, left a strap of release.
These are a few shots of the pull tree.
Sorry about the double post
I never cared for the idea of dropping trees with a cut at ground level unless you were harvesting logs. I have always preferred dropping the tree from a standing position so I have more control and the ability to move quickly if necessary. Can't get out of the kill zone quickly if you're on your hands and knees. Then I can make my stump cut last after the tree is cut up and not have to worry about an entire tree above my head while cutting it.
And in your pic I would still make a final stump cut about 3" lower.
Got out my 200t with a 16". Heavy bugger compared to a 2511t with 12" x 1/4" bar and chain. Better for chunking the spar. Got down to about 20" diameter. Going back with an MS460 or 461 with a 28" for the rest. Big, big knots on one side, so I just made random length chunks so far.
Wondering if I rip the rest with the big knots in half, will I get some really good boards out of the one 1/2.
Needs to be ripped or sides shaved for either mill, mine or my neighbor's. He can handle 34" diameter. Otherwise it will be a lotta firewood
The butt surely had some nails. I've pulled some out. Oversize firewood.
i would be glad to take your „oversized“ logs minus the nails as my lucas 10/30 is a little hungry atm. stupid firewood prizes, everybody is keeping their logs
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