It seems like I have become a rite of passage with young women at the Forestry school.
Had another one logging with us last week.
She was a hard worker, but had no natural aptitude for treefalling, like Anna, who worked with me last year.
She got to fell some large trees and have aquired some sense of what logging is about.
Not to mention some pictures and video that will make the boys in her class turn absolutely green.
Speaking of aptitude, our new apprentice is taking to logging like a duck takes to water.
He really puts some trees on the ground, correctly.
Makes stumps that I can't find fault with and is simply making money for the company.
We have an old apprentice working with us, Anders, who was with us in -09 and -11 on the two first trips to the big trees in California, Jerry has met him.
He was falling next to Søren, the apprentice, and simply couldn't believe it, when I told him the kid has just been logging for 3 weeks.
I think I can make a World class faller out of this one.
I'll try to get some pictures of him next week.