The Official Work Pictures Thread

Just to be sure, as these are problems I don't come across, this tree has been chewed by a beaver in a dangerous situation and you have to safely fell it?
Yes. If left to the beavers it's most certainly coming down across the bridge.

I know my pics are awesome. Lol.

I'll try and get a couple when it gets dropped this week. I'm gonna 90 guy it I think. I've done quite a few beaver chewed trees. Always just use normal felling techniques above the chewing but it noids me out knowing the outer edges of the hinge are undermined. Cottonweeds always.
Here's pics of another. Reassuring looking to dog into eh.

They chew up the willows here too.... Ended up dropping one in a pond once for me the little rodents! All I could do to rig it out of the pond was a paddle boat, a 200t, 200' of rope and a tractor up the hill so we did not tear shat up being all muddy and what not. They had dropped the tree right before our rains.. or during them. Pond filled up and the damn tree was off shore by about 30 feet. Too deep to wade into. I was so worried about making my 200t an anchor that day.. I was a wreck.
If I had though of wearing a saddle.. YUP..
Just one of those days where you did not quite have all the good gear you would have wanted to have. But you still need to get the job done.
I wonder how long it would take for the beaver to "finish off" that tree. Is it possible he could have it down before you get there next week?
If they are like the ones we have in S. GA they answer is "yes". They can make a huge mess in a hurry...not only take down trees but they also dig/burrow into dams. We have a family farm is S. GA where my mother was raised. They are very destructive, damming up drainage channels, felling trees, digging holes in dams that hold back 20 acres of water.

We have to treat them like rats in the house...eliminate them as often as possible to try to keep the population down.
There actually squisher's pets, he lets them out when works slow to Drum up some business ;)
Wouldn't fly with the leaflickers. Gotta swap out with canola to work that close to the creek. Salmon bearing stream.