No, felling a log with three long laterals.
I hoped for more breaks, but the limb busted more in half, and ended up reaching the fence.
I was badly pinched on time and rushing... that's a retention basin, rarely dry, sometimes, like when this foot of snow melts under rain, it will be 2' deep with water, maybe more, at the far end.
First day for my GF to work the ground in a while, and was going as a safe (slow) pace.
We got everything chipped, cleaned up, logs and mats loaded on the trailer, and moved with the mini to the customer's parking area in the far side of the tree, before dark.
She had to roll out after 6 hours to get to band practice, so I did the final 1.5 hours alone.
Started climbing about 10am. Ran for the chipper midday... an hour round trip.