Is you wheel loader too large for some jobs? Lots of crane jobs? Do you crane out what you can't get the wheel-loader to? Would a mini and BMG help out the arsenal?
2 many different size saws do you have? Do they all collectively make you more money compared to only half as many?
The wheel loader is priceless. Gets to 99.9% of the places we need it to. Super easy on grass and everything else. Great power. Folks rave about minis but Im very happy with a wheel loader. I've seen an r520 with a grapple on it moving and chipping brush, wasn't any faster than the grapple bucket but the op was sketchy.
I have 3 sizes of saws but saws are obviously easy to transport relative to loader attachments. The loader is a man lift, winch, grapple, broom, mat carrier, tree pusher and puller, stump grindings nuker, wood mover and loader, bulldozer, small crane, brush grapple, brush dump truck when loaded manually, chipper stuffer, chipper and trailer mover, etc. We'd struggle without it's man lift capability. $ for $, it's more valuable than a bucket truck