That looks a bit like me about 1979 but a Toyota Stout a bit overloaded.
Long story but short version. Big day, Saturday afternoon, had the jinx with me, he was a redundant printer I used to give him some casual work. He loved it.
Axel broke on a bend, looked just like that except I was a foot or so more of the bitumen. Got a lift to a wrecker and got an axle, just about finished and a drunk driver clipped the corner of the truck. He stopped a bit down the road and passed out, woman across the road panicked but I said he's drunk just leave it but she called an ambulance. They turned up, he woke up, they called the cops.
I'm in a panic, got to get out of here. (Leave out reason) Axle just about done, cops turn up. He doesn't like it, short scuffle and they get him in the wagon. Cop talks to me pretty quick because the other one was who he hit and want's to get him back to the station.
Axle fixed, and I got home ok. Don't think the other guy did, he was yelling he was going to kill me as they took him away.