When I used to climb in my old Buckingham versatile, which really did put the knot farther away, I remember it was difficult to come back from a limb walk because my blake's hitch and the dangling running end of my line were out of my reach. I would sometimes have to reach out with my handsaw to grab the running end of the line so I could pull on it as I came back to the trunk in order to keep my weight in the line. When I used the Nikosi recently on a maple prune, I did several very long limb walks and did not notice this to be a problem. The knot was always within comfortable reach and was never up in my face. But that may also be because I now use a VT, which is held closer to the saddle than a Blake's hitch anyway. I think that you guys might be seeing something in the picture that isn't a concern in reality. Not sure though.