OK, it was a rainy weekend and I had too many things on my plate to devote more time to comparing harnesses than hanging from the eye screw I have mounted on the front porch ceiling...
But as I now have a Nikosi in hand, I can report a few things.
I hung in the Nikosi after fitting and adjusting everything. I'm using a hitchclimber pulley and a shortish VT. The axle of the sheave of the hitchclimber rides just at my chin. With my Sequoia, the axle is just the tiniest smidge lower, not more that 1/2 inch. With my NT ProGear, the axle is 2 inches lower.
So the bridge of the Nikosi doesn't set my hitch radically higher than either one, and is nearly identical to the Sequoia.
It turns out that you can't really use the riser straps from the bridge rings to the leg loops to alter the height of the bridge...those have to be set to equalize the load between the leg strap (lower bridge) and the upper bridge. That balance point is totally dependent on your personal COG, and there is one length that fits right, all others are out of balance and/or uncomfortable.
One real downside for me to the Nikosi is that it is awkward as heck to walk around with it on...both the upper bridge and the lower leg strap/bridge drop down halfway to your knees, letting the leg pads fall as well. Might be no problem if you put it on to climb and take it off as soon as you hit the ground. But I am primarily an instructor these days...I'm in and out of the tree frequently doing demos, and it would be a time-consuming hassle to get in and out of the saddle over and over. And even more to the point, I wonder if climbing when you're not on an overhead rope with some tension on it is going to mean awkward movement in the tree. The waist belt stays in proper position.
Overall comfort, much as it disappoints me to say it...I'd have to rate it lower than my older NT models, and maybe not quite as good as my Sequoia. But I must echo wiley p...saddle fit and comfort is such a strongly personal thing that my impressions should not be taken to say that everyone will agree with me.
Of course, there is that big caveat, which I stated before and want to remind y'all of...I have not climbed in it actively, only hung on my porch

. The Nikosi seems stiffer than my other NT saddles, but I know the Progear took a bit of break-in to hit peak comfort, so that could well be the case with the Nikosi.
Other items I note:
The side D's are not tiny, but are on the smaller side, a little smaller than the Sequoia. My first choice would be bigger ones, but I double lanyard a lot...for someone who doesn't they will be fine.
I'm not a fan of snaphooks on saddles...I'm forever hanging them up on small branches...I'll probably cut those off.
Good set of gear slings, and tight webbing slots to take some of those big wiregate plastic gear biners Petzl makes.
There is a stout webbing loop at the center of the back of the belt that is identified as a "rescue loop"...but how that might be utilized for rescue is neither described, nor apparent to me.
Looking forward to getting it in a tree...that's where the real worth shows or fails.