The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

  • Thread starter Werks 4 da Man
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Well prepare yourself. My two little guys are full brothers from the same litter and it's a handful to train them. Try to spend plenty of time with them separately if at all possible would be my advice. So they don't just bond with each other.
Yeah, I thought about that on the way home with them today.

How in the hell are they ever going to learn their name's?

I have never had a dog that needed training. Well, I have only had the one dog, but she did not need trained. Not sure what it means to train a dog actually.
Well prepare yourself. My two little guys are full brothers from the same litter and it's a handful to train them. Try to spend plenty of time with them separately if at all possible would be my advice. So they don't just bond with each other.

Totally agree. Being bros from birth they will always feel complete with each other. But you'll be the pack leader after a short while I'm sure.

It's sorta like the when the reverse happens- when one dog dies, seems like the remaining dog always becomes much closer to his owner than previously.

I think 2 dogs is a great number to have, one is too few, 3 too many8)

They just settled down. No more puppy howls coming from the entry way.

Never had a crate for my first dog, but she was exceptional.

I was worried enough there for a second to look up and see what Cesar Milan had to say on the subject of crate training puppies.
Nice looking dogs, Jim.
Never heard about that breed.

I'll add to the advice about not letting them form a "doggies against the rest of the world" team.

That is the main problem about getting 2 pups at the same time.

They bond too well.

So separate them and work them apart, in order to make sure they get the point, that You are the alpha.

Oh, don't forget to read Ayn Rand to them.

Jack already knows :"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people." by heart.
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Saturday morning records on the couch.
Looks chilling

I relocated to SF years ago and made it like 6 maths. Totally can't imagine raising kids there.

Neighbor came over this evening who had cows get our, sent Woody out on the dirt bike and Whylie walking down by the creek. Kept drinking beer.
Who chewed the insole?

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I fugured the pup had grown big enough to learn that not all God's creatures aren't vegetarian.
When they grow up in a vegetarian household you gotta break stuff like that to them kinda carefully.
So I gave him a bone.
Took him about forever to get through it, bit he sure had fun.
Promptly fell asleep afterwards.

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Nice Stig, great looking pup. we have had to quit with bones as it is the only thing Bear has ever shown agression over - which is so out of character for a very well trained & natured dog. Any other food a child or stranger can take from him as we trained him.

What have you called him?
Jack III

I reuse names.

Jack II was the same mixture except brown, not white, shepherd.
So it was an easy choice of name.

People who knew Jack II keep saying that he looks just like the old model.

Pretty much got the same temper and fearlessness, too .

We've had to teach him to be wary of the horses ( Not that they'd do anything to mim, being used to dogs, but he is small and black and might be stepped on in the dark) by tapping him on the nose with the carriage whip, when he goes too near.
He can't see that we are doing it, so it works real well.

I'm so happy with the way this one is shaping up:)
Part of today's walk...or excavation:lol:


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