The New Offical Mutts of the House thread

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We've just spent 3 days clearing vegetation in a bog.
Lots of mice to catch and LOTS of mud, too.
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Lol a dirty dog is a happy dog.

Had a big scare last night when Thundy the older of my two started drooling uncontrollably in the evening. I mean these are drooly type dogs but this was literally just a fountain out of his mouth and the other guy was relatively dry. I'm sure he got into something and it seems to have passed this morning. I'd have taken him in if he wasn't in such good spirits, bright eyed, good appetite and whatnot.
I think he got a little anti-freeze or ATF, I'm guessing it musta been antifreeze though. I seen a spot on the ground where my wife had been warming up her ridgeline that got the new rad in it recently. It wasn't big so I thought not much of it, when I came home though it was gone and the area was pawed up. Got off lucky methinks, although maybe he won't live so long now who knows? I'm pretty damn on it about chemicals and if I hadn't been in a hurry yesterday I woulda shovelled that up into a trash can. Shoulda/coulda/woulda, I'm just glad the boys ok. Still feel bad though. He didn't ever seem uncomfortable or nothing, just a serious amount of drool. Ate and drank just like normal though.
Is the antifreeze used in your part of the world ethylene glycol?
That stuff is poison to dogs, and due to it's sweetish taste, they'll lick it up.
I'm betting a nickle it didn't do anything to extend his life, for sure. Dayum. Poor fella.

He's still doing fine though. Didn't seem to phase him at all. Tonight his drool is right back to normal. I'm relieved he's still gonna be around for awhile anyways.

Stig yah it's the killer kind of antifreeze that's mostly in use around here.
I sometimes have my woodwork finished by an urushi artist, that is the coating they put on wood from the sap of the poison sumac species tree. He had a big friendly labrador, and he told me that his dog got into the urushi once, ate a small bucket of it. The dogs lips got like a couple of overly inflated inner tubes, he said, and it appeared to be in rather grave distress. It made it though, but sadly died from old age earlier this year.
Nothing like fresh snow to get a dirty dog clean again.
A Norwegian woodturner from up near the arctic circle came down to buy some elm burl from me this fall.
I asked him to bring some of the dried fish (mainly cod) that they make up there, because the dogs love it.
So he brought almost 20 pds and I traded him some nice burl for it.
This is one of the last pieces fish being enjoyed in the snow.

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Stig, do those dogs ride in the cab with you?

My Penny hates riding in the bed of the truck, so it makes for a stinky dirty work truck cab.
at least it doesn't smell like skunk anymore.
Yes they do, I have a double cab.
But they don't get in there after eating dried fish, that's for sure!
That's funny.

Penny's puked on my front seat at least 3 times, once it was black.
She jumped in after getting sprayed by a skunk too.
Another time coming home from the beach I remembered she had been rolling in dead seal.

She's a real stinker.

Your Dogs don't seem to have a problem with snow whatsoever either. IMG_0271.jpg IMG_0192.jpg
For those of you who travel with your dogs and have difficulty finding motels where your dog is welcome, I have an idea. I heard that a person can buy 'service animal' vests for their dog online without any actual proof that your dog is a service animal. Also, motels are required by law to admit service animals. When I saw this, I instantly thought of Paul and the antics with Rufus at the motel in North Carolina. And Rufus is well behaved enough that no one would ever question if he was a legitimate service animal (not that they are allowed to question that anyway).

I have 2 ACD/border collies. Ones def. the other one is over needy thats why wife does agility herding and disk dog. They all have there moments but its sum what chilled around here.
plus 8 Aussies a border collie a GSD, a JRT and a little street dog thats 15 altogether.