The pug is a hand full. She is 7 months old. Her name is Lunna.
The husky 3 years old. His name is thunder. Attach pic is him and his sister playing in the back yard. The hound name is Oreo. He 3 or 4 years old. I have not taken him out hunting. I stared training he but he gun shy. We got him from the pound.
When the three of them start going at with each other it like having a three ring circuses.
The HS says he is German Shepard out of black Lab, but those whiskers make me think there's Airdale terrior in there. They know the bitch, she came in with the pups just after birthing the litter...I think the papa dog was a guess, and he didn't begin to develop the muzzle whiskers until he got near a year old.
Nope, that's just one he chose when I had the camera in hand .
Here is a picture of a dog I used to have. He was run over about 8 years ago. Used to go to work with me everyday, never lost any tools out of the pickup if he was in there.
Did not know that you lost your old hound. Sorry to hear that, but congrats on what i hope will be a great addition to the family. Gonna be a sizable fella I bet!
Hey Burnham! I know you're reading this thread. How's Jasper doing? Last I heard his blood counts were doing a lot better and he was putting on weight. You still feeding him steak with cottage cheese?
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