The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

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She looks OK... cool looking movie.

I bet it's nice making your living as a successful actor.
You would think so, based on the salaries. You don't heave to know what they get paid, just look at their homes shown on the net up for sale. I was checking out Mel Gibson's Malibu crib recently. Hollywood apparently has a number of evils, though, unhealthy temptations. I had a friend that was a camera operator there, my best friend growing up. I know that he was paid well, but unfortunately the place killed him, or he killed himself, depending on how you look at it. It was kind of hard to know him after awhile. You can hip yourself right into a coffin.
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Hahaha, who thinks this stuff up? What a strange twist! Jeff Bridges doesn't make a bad movie.
That IS odd ... :what: ... found another embed link ... lets see if it works ... :/:

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And another:

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I love Jeff, don't care much for the other guy. It looks like what everyone says, another MIB - but more interesting.
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